
Benefiting from StarGrowth Open Call

StarGrowth Info Days

Info Days were held in all partner countries, showcasing StarGrowth opportunities and highlighting the key advantages for potential applicants!

The StarGrowth Open Call is an opportunity for rural and ecotourism SMEs active in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, and Slovenia to showcase their projects and ideas. Recently, a series of Info Days were held in the partner countries to present information about this open call and to encourage participation.

The Info Days provided a platform for organizers to communicate the details and objectives of the StarGrowth Open Call. They offer valuable insights to potential applicants, allowing them to understand the scope, requirements, and potential benefits of being part of this initiative.

These Info Days were organized in partnership with local stakeholders across the countries, ensuring a wide reach and diverse participation. The presentations during these Info Days focused on the core aspects of the StarGrowth Open Call. They highlighted the program’s objectives, the types of activities eligible for submission, and the criteria used for evaluation. This ensured that participants were well-informed about the program before deciding to apply.

One key aspect emphasized during the presentations was the call’s focus on sustainable and innovative solutions. The organizers stressed the importance of addressing global challenges such as sustainable development and digital transformation. This approach not only promotes collaboration but also allows participants to expand their horizons and develop solutions that have a tangible impact on society.

The presentations also shed light on how successful applicants can benefit from the StarGrowth Open Call initiative. Funding opportunities, mentorship and training programs, access to good practices and various resources were all highlighted as key advantages for participants.

Another crucial aspect of the Info Days was the opportunity for participants to ask questions and seek clarification on any doubts they had. The presenters were knowledgeable and approachable, ensuring that all queries were properly addressed, and participants were left with a clear understanding of the application process and timelines.

Overall, the presentations during these Info Days successfully conveyed the objectives, opportunities, and benefits of the StarGrowth Open Call. They empowered participants to take part in the program, showcasing how their ideas and projects can make a real difference towards sustainable tourism development in their respective regions.

All presentations are listed below (in the relevant national language):

Info Day Presentation Bulgaria

Info Day Presentation Cyprus

Info Day Presentation Greece

Info Day Presentation Italy

Info Day Presentation Romania

Info Day Presentation Slovenia

Don’t hesitate, just click on the Call for proposals section and submit your application by

26th July 2023, 17:00 CET!

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